Front Row - The People v OJ Simpson, Figaro, Pre-Raphaelites, 14 Bottoms

The People v OJ Simpson, Figaro, Pre-Raphaelites, 14 Bottoms

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Cuba Gooding Jr, John Travolta and David Schwimmer star in The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story, a new TV series in which the dramatic trial of the American football legend accused of double homicide unfolds. Journalist Gary Younge reviews.

As Welsh National Opera stages three new productions featuring Figaro - Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro, Rossini's The Barber of Seville and a new sequel, Figaro Gets a Divorce by Elena Langer - WNO's Artistic Director David Pountney and opera historian Sarah Lenton explore one of opera's most fascinating characters.

Pre-Raphaelites: Beauty and Rebellion at the Walker Gallery in Liverpool reveals how important the city was in the emergence of the Pre-Raphaelite artists. With more than 120 works on show, including those by Rossetti, Ford Madox Brown and William Holman Hunt, curator Christopher Newall argues that although the London art scene first rejected the Pre-Raphaelites as subversive and dangerous the Liverpool Academy accepted their work as new and inspirational.

To mark 400 years since Shakespeare's death, the Royal Shakespeare Company is staging A Midsummer Night's Dream in which the characters of Bottom and the mechanicals are played by amateur theatre groups throughout the country. RSC Director Erica Whyman and some of her 14 Bottoms reveal what it's like working together.

Published on Friday, 12th February 2016.

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