Front Row - Sharpe on Flowers, Don Warrington on Lear, Yvvette Edwards

Sharpe on Flowers, Don Warrington on Lear, Yvvette Edwards

Download Sharpe on Flowers, Don Warrington on Lear, Yvvette Edwards

Samira Ahmed talks to Will Sharpe about Flowers, the surreal Channel 4 sitcom he has written and directed, and in which he stars with Olivia Colman.

As part of our Shakespeare's People series, Don Warrington chooses the tragic figure of King Lear.

Tim Robey reviews Jane Got a Gun, a new Western starring Natalie Portman.

Yvvette Edwards discusses her novel The Mother, which is told from the perspective of a woman whose teenage son is stabbed. Yvvette was inspired to write when her own step son was the victim of random violence.

Published on Tuesday, 19th April 2016.

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