Front Row - Georgia O'Keeffe, Paul Feig on Ghostbusters, Laura Lippman

Georgia O'Keeffe, Paul Feig on Ghostbusters, Laura Lippman

Download Georgia O'Keeffe, Paul Feig on Ghostbusters, Laura Lippman

Samira Ahmed discusses the work of pioneering American artist Georgia O'Keeffe, as a major retrospective opens at Tate Modern in London. With Andrea Rose.

Paul Feig - director of Bridesmaids and Spy - on his reinvention of the film Ghostbusters, with women in the lead roles.

American crime writer Laura Lippman, known for her "accidental PI" Tess Monaghan series, returns with a standalone story, Wilde Lake, a modern retelling of To Kill a Mockingbird.

And to mark US Independence Day, Front Row looks at the remarkable origins of the American National Anthem, the Star Spangled Banner.

Published on Monday, 4th July 2016.

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