Front Row - Winona Ryder in Stranger Things, Jan Ravens on impersonating Theresa May, Alice Oswald, James Kelman

Winona Ryder in Stranger Things, Jan Ravens on impersonating Theresa May, Alice Oswald, James Kelman

Download Winona Ryder in Stranger Things, Jan Ravens on impersonating Theresa May, Alice Oswald, James Kelman

Stranger Things is a Netflix series starring Winona Ryder which tells the story of a supernatural disappearance of a young boy in 1980s Indiana. Kim Newman reviews.

As satirists target a new Prime Minister, Jan Ravens of Radio 4's Dead Ringers discusses her approach to impersonating Theresa May.

Poet Alice Oswald discusses Falling Awake, her new poetry collection that explores mortality, and why gardening and the classics lead to poetic inspiration.

James Kelman who won the Booker Prize in 1994 for his novel How Late It Was, How Late, discusses his new book Dirt Road, which follows a Scottish teenager and his father on a trip to the American south where they grieve for the teenager's mother and sister who have died of cancer.

On his 82nd birthday the Nobel Prize-winning Nigerian playwright and poet reads from his poem, A Vision of Peace.

Presenter Samira Ahmed
Producer Jerome Weatherald.

Published on Wednesday, 13th July 2016.

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