Front Row - Bob Dylan wins Nobel, Dario Fo remembered, Tutankhamun, Semyon Bychkov

Bob Dylan wins Nobel, Dario Fo remembered, Tutankhamun, Semyon Bychkov

Download Bob Dylan wins Nobel, Dario Fo remembered, Tutankhamun, Semyon Bychkov

Music legend Bob Dylan has won the Nobel Prize for Literature on the day the death of previous winner, playwright Dario Fo, was announced. We get reaction to both the singer-songwriter becoming a Nobel laureate and the legacy of the Italian who penned Accidental Death of an Anarchist.

Tutankhamun is the new Sunday evening drama on ITV, focusing on Howard Carter's discovery in 1922 of the grave of the boy pharaoh buried in Egypt 3,300 years ago. The drama's writer Guy Burt discusses his approach to his telling of the story of 'King Tut'.

Russian conductor Semyon Bychkov is embarking on a monumental Tchaikovsky project, with three concerts and the release of the 6th Symphony, the Pathétique, the first in a cycle of new recordings. He talks to Samira Ahmed about his lifelong relationship with the music of the composer he calls his 'beloved friend'.

Presenter Samira Ahmed
Producer Marilyn Rust.

Published on Monday, 17th October 2016.

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