Woman's Hour - Saffron Hocking, French presidential elections, Midwives, Afghan girls and SMS education, Author Jendella Benson

Saffron Hocking, French presidential elections, Midwives, Afghan girls and SMS education, Author Jendella Benson

Download Saffron Hocking, French presidential elections, Midwives, Afghan girls and SMS education, Author Jendella Benson

The new season of Top Boy currently on Netflix, shines a light on the reality of life for those involved in London drug gangs and the people who live around them. This season covers social issues such as deportation, homophobia and child neglect, with the character Lauryn’s experience of domestic violence being a central storyline. Actor Saffron Hocking, who plays Lauryn on the show joins us to talk about her portrayal of the issue.

Sunday 10th April sees the first round of the French Presidential elections. According to the latest polls the two candidates likely to go through to the next round are the current President Emmanuel Macron and The National Rally’s Marine Le Pen. She’s rebranded her party and herself for this latest attempt. The Economist's Sophie Pedder joins us to discuss the potential first female President of France.

Just over a week ago Woman’s Hour devoted a whole programme to the long awaited and landmark Ockenden Report into maternity services at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust - in what has been described the biggest maternity scandal in the NHS's history. We had a huge response from our listeners as well as a significant number of midwives. We speak to two - Sarah and Ruth.

It’s been just over two weeks since the Taliban went back on their plans to allow girls in Afghanistan to return to school. Schools were set to open nationwide after months of but at the last minute the education ministry abruptly announced girls' secondary schools would stay shut. Sara Wahedi, a tech entrepreneur joins us to explain her new idea of helping Afghan girls get access to education - through their phones.

Do you know much about ‘farming’? Author Jendella Benson has released her debut novel, Hope and Glory, which explores the topic of private fostering - ‘farming’ - which was common amongst British West African communities during the 50s-70s and even into recent years. Jendella joins us to talk all about writing her first book and reflecting the experiences of those in her community.

Presenter: Andrea Catherwood Producer: Claire Fox Photo Credit: Joseph Sinclair

Published on Friday, 8th April 2022.

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