BBC Radio Podcasts from A Brief History of Mathematics

A Brief History of Mathematics

Nicolas Bourbaki

Professor Marcus du Sautoy argues that mathematics drives science.

Hardy and Ramanujan

Professor Marcus du Sautoy argues that mathematics drives science.

Henri Poincaré

Professor Marcus du Sautoy argues that mathematics drives science.

Georg Cantor

Professor Marcus du Sautoy argues that mathematics drives science.

The Mathematicians Who Helped Einstein

Professor Marcus du Sautoy argues that mathematics drives science.

Carl Friedrich Gauss

Professor Marcus du Sautoy argues that mathematics drives science.

Evariste Galois

Marcus du Sautoy argues that mathematics is the driving force behind modern science.

Joseph Fourier

Marcus du Sautoy argues that mathematics is the driving force behind modern science.

Leonhard Euler

Marcus du Sautoy argues that mathematics is the driving force behind modern science.

Newton and Leibniz

Marcus du Sautoy argues that mathematics is the driving force behind modern science.