BBC Radio Podcasts from Time and Tune

Time and Tune

10. Rehearsal and performance 2

Rehearse the last four songs from Romans using the full-vocal and backing track versions.

9. Rehearsal and performance 1

Rehearse the first four songs of Romans using the full-vocal and backing track versions.

Rehearsal and performance 2

Putting all the songs from the series together ready for a final performance.

8. Make a mosaic

Exploring Roman arts and crafts, including mosaics and pottery.

Rehearsal and performance 1

Putting all the songs from the series together ready for a performance.

7. Into the arena

The song explores Roman entertainments...including the gladiators.

Persephone is home

Persephone is finally free of the underworld…but her freedom is won at a price.

6. Roman gods and goddesses

Exploring the pantheon of Roman gods and goddesses.

Persephone said 'No!'

Persephone refuses to become Hades' queen and tries to persuade him to let her go.

5. Spin that coin

Finding out about Roman games, pastimes and everyday activities.

She's everything to me

Demeter mourns for her missing daughter and searches everywhere for her.

4. Oh, the strata of society

Exploring the layers of Roman society...from Emperor down to slave.

And they went down!

Hades takes Persephone down into his underground kingdom.

3. Boudicca!

Exploring Boudicca and the revolt of the Iceni tribe against the Romans.

Hades' song

We meet Hades - god of the underworld - who longs for a companion to end his loneliness.

2. Is that a fact?

Exploring the historical truth behind some well-known Roman stories.

Demeter makes everything grow

The series begins with the goddess Demeter, who makes everything grow.

1. Signals!

The first song in the series explores the Roman use of music to convey battle signals.