BBC Radio Podcasts from The Music & Meditation Podcast

The Music & Meditation Podcast

Build courage and confidence with Gabby Bernstein

Izzy and Gabby Bernstein use meditation to help build courage and confidence.

Navigate sadness with Jasmin Harsono

Izzy and Jasmin Harsono look at how meditation can help you move through sad experiences.

Make friends with your thoughts with Gelong Thubten

Izzy and Gelong Thubten explore how meditation helps in the battle against your thoughts.

Reduce stress levels with Hannah Barrett

Izzy and Hannah Barrett keep stress at bay through the power of music and meditation.

Focus on gratitude with Rob da Bank

Izzy and Rob da Bank focus on meditation’s power to change mindset and increase happiness.

Embrace vulnerability with Megan Rose Lane

Izzy and Megan Rose Lane look at how to find strength in vulnerability.

Release body tension with Alex Howard

Izzy and Alex Howard explore how meditation can help release tension held in the body.

Make peace with imperfections with Katie Piper

Izzy and Katie Piper share how meditation can help you embrace imperfection.

Welcome to Series 3 of The Music & Meditation Podcast

New host Izzy Judd introduces series 3 of the ultimate therapeutic podcast.

Shape your inner voice with Giselle La Pompe-Moore

Look inwards and talk more gently to yourself, with Nao and Giselle La Pompe-Moore.

Reconnect with yourself with Danny Penman

Tune in to the driving forces behind what we think, feel and do with Dr Danny Penman.

Manage difficult emotions with Madeleine Shaw

Nao and Madeleine Shaw chat about how meditation can help you with tricky emotions.

Enhance sleep and rest with Rod Stryker

Nao and Rod Stryker help you wind down so you can rest well with a soothing meditation.

Overcome imposter syndrome with Marisa Peer

Nao and Marisa Peer show how meditation can help you believe in yourself.

Start the day right with Pauli Lovejoy

Nao and Pauli Lovejoy help to boost your morning mood with positive vibes.

Let it go with Maude Hirst

Let go of things that are holding you back, with a guided meditation from Maude Hirst.

Calm the chaos with Izzy Judd

Nao and Izzy Judd share simple tools to help you navigate hectic everyday life.

Welcome to Series 2 of The Music & Meditation Podcast

Nao introduces series 2 of The Music & Meditation Podcast.

Trust your instincts with Emma Cannon

Future-proof your decisions and learn to trust your instincts with meditation.

Heal your heart with Alex Elle

Soothing the pain of relationship troubles with meditation and a calming music mix.

Power of connection with Kathryn McCusker

NAO and Kathryn help you feel less lonely with a singing mantra meditation.

Banish FOMO with That Meditation Guy

What links clubbing and meditation? Find out with NAO and Jimmy Wightman.

Beat burnout with Dr Julie

Feeling overwhelmed? Dr Julie Smith leads a guided meditation to help prevent burnout.

Ease your anxiety with Jambo Truong

Give yourself some space with an insightful chat followed by a calming meditation.

Body positivity with Megan Jayne Crabbe

NAO and Megan Jayne Crabbe on how meditation helps the ups and downs of body confidence.

You are enough with Michael James Wong

Get perspective on social media with this nourishing meditation.

Welcome to The Music & Meditation Podcast

NAO introduces the ultimate therapeutic podcast.