Profile - Crawford Falconer

Crawford Falconer

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Mark Coles profiles Crawford Falconer, the New Zealander who could prove key to Britain's post-Brexit future. Falconer is a 63 year old former Kiwi trade negotiator.
This week, he started a new job at the Department for International charge of negotiating UK trade deals with the rest of the world once Britain leaves the EU. Friends and former colleagues shed light on his government career in New Zealand as well as his time chairing talks at the World Trade Organisation.
We also hear why he can't drive, loves running, rugby and rummaging for cardoons in French fields. And why he once tried to sell his younger sister to some South Korean fishermen.

Producer Smita Patel
Researcher Beth Sagar-Fenton
Editor Emma Rippon.

Published on Saturday, 26th August 2017.

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