Desert Island Discs - Molly Keane

Molly Keane

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The castaway in this week's Desert Island Discs is one of the most highly acclaimed writers of today. The author of Good Behaviour, Time After Time and Loving and Giving, she began writing in the early 20s using the pseudonym MJ Farrell to conceal her identity from her sporting friends in Ireland, where she was born and grew up. It was a world of snobbery and decaying aristocracy which she portrays in her books with excruciating accuracy.
Then, after a period in the early 50s as a successful playwright, she fell silent, to emerge 25 years later under her real name, Molly Keane, and went on to achieve huge success and literary recognition. Now 86, she'll be talking to Sue Lawley about her childhood, her books and her Ireland.

[Taken from the original programme material for this archive edition of Desert Island Discs]

Favourite track: Greensleeves by James Galway
Book: A bound copy of the Spectator magazines
Luxury: A bed, netted from snakes and flies

Published on Sunday, 13th May 1990.

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