Desert Island Discs - Fiona Reynolds

Fiona Reynolds

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This week the castaway on Desert Island Discs is the Director General of the National Trust, Fiona Reynolds. Passionate about the countryside, the job at the National Trust was a dream come true for Fiona, but six weeks into the job she was faced with Foot and Mouth and had to make the drastic decision to close almost all of the National Trust properties.

In conversation with Sue Lawley, she talks about her life and work and chooses eight records to take to the mythical island.

[Taken from the original programme material for this archive edition of Desert Island Discs]

Favourite track: The Salutation from Dies Natalis by Finzi
Book: The Making of the English Landscape by W G Hoskins
Luxury: The full collection of Ordnance Survey maps of the British Isles

Published on Sunday, 7th April 2002.

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