Front Row - Trust Me writer Dan Sefton, Atomic Blonde, Colm Toibin's Queer Icon, Posthumous publishing

Trust Me writer Dan Sefton, Atomic Blonde, Colm Toibin's Queer Icon, Posthumous publishing

Download Trust Me writer Dan Sefton, Atomic Blonde, Colm Toibin's Queer Icon, Posthumous publishing

When a renowned writer or artist dies, those left behind can find themselves in an ethical quandary - should work that is unfinished or incomplete be kept private or is there a public interest in revealing it to the world? Hunter Davies's wife, the author Margaret Forster, passed away last year, and left behind a substantial amount of unpublished writing. Hunter shares his story with us in the studio, and Virginia Woolf's great-niece and advisor to the Woolf estate, Virginia Nicholson, also joins us to discuss the issue.

TV writer and part-time emergency room doctor Dan Sefton talks about his latest TV drama Trust Me, starring the future Doctor Who, Jodie Whittaker. A psychological thriller about a nurse who takes drastic measures after losing her job, the four-part BBC series examines the many facets and layers of telling lies.

The new Charlize Theron action spy thriller Atomic Blonde is not for the faint-hearted. Set in Berlin in the final days of the Cold War, the film features numerous very physical fight sequences - its director is a former stuntman and it shows. But does this approach offer more style than substance, threatening a good storyline? And with more and more of these movies fronted by women, are female action heroes becoming as bankable as their male counterparts? Film critic Anna Smith joins us to discuss.

For Front Row's Queer Icons series, the Irish writer Colm Toibin nominates The Married Man by Edmund White.

Presenter John Wilson
Producer Rebecca Armstrong.

Published on Monday, 7th August 2017.

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