Front Row - Mike Leigh on Peterloo, CJ Sansom, The rise of adult gaming

Mike Leigh on Peterloo, CJ Sansom, The rise of adult gaming

Download Mike Leigh on Peterloo, CJ Sansom, The rise of adult gaming

Mike Leigh discusses his latest film Peterloo, an historical epic that depicts the infamous 1819 Peterloo Massacre, where a peaceful pro-democracy rally at St Peter's Field in Manchester turned into one of the most notorious episodes in British history. The massacre saw British government forces charge into a crowd of over 60,000 that had gathered to demand political reform.

Novelist CJ Sansom discusses Tombland, his latest in his Tudor mystery series. The Lady Elizabeth sends lawyer Matthew Shardlake to Norwich to investigate the murder of a distant Boleyn relative during a time of agrarian unrest.

Once the domain of children, playing with friends is increasingly seen as an entertainment option for adults and not just the computer game or sporting variety. We talk to two real life gamers: cosplayer Holly Rose Swinyard who attends conventions where players dress as favourite characters from comics and TV, and Ken Ferguson who blogs about escape rooms, physical puzzle games the like of which are popping up across the UK, to explore the changing role of play in our lives.

Presenter : Kirsty Lang
Producer : Dymphna Flynn

Published on Tuesday, 23rd October 2018.

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