Front Row - Keeley Hawes

Keeley Hawes

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Actress Keeley Hawes has long been a household name and seems to have an uncanny ability to pick parts that place her in the most talked about TV shows of their moment.

In this extended interview we look back on her career, considering those key roles including the Home Secretary in the hugely popular Bodyguard, working on cult lesbian drama Tipping the Velvet, MI5 agent Zoe in spy thriller Spooks, playing a cop sent back to the 80s in Ashes to Ashes, a policewoman under investigation in Line of Duty and a mother of four starting a new life on Corfu in The Durrells.

We'll also hear how Keeley got started as an actress, how she chooses her roles and what changes she's seen in TV over the last 20 years.

Presenter: Samira Ahmed
Producer: Hannah Robins

Published on Tuesday, 1st January 2019.

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