Front Row - Oklahoma!, Audience behaviour, Mercury Prize shortlist

Oklahoma!, Audience behaviour, Mercury Prize shortlist

Download Oklahoma!, Audience behaviour, Mercury Prize shortlist

Roger and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! is Chichester Festival Theatre’s new summer musical, starring Josie Lawrence as Aunt Eller and Hyoie O’Grady and Amara Okereke as the young lovers. Fiona Mountford reviews.

Following violence and verbal abuse directed at ushers, some theatres are issuing them with body cameras, hoping this will deter aggressive behaviour by audience members. Theatre critic Fiona Mountford and Kirsty Sedgman, author of ‘The Reasonable Audience’, discuss the ways audience behaviour is changing and what is acceptable.

The shortlist for the Mercury Prize was announced today. Music writer Kieran Yates gives her response to the 12 albums selected by the judges, by artists including Foals, Dave and Little Simz.

And sculptor Sean Henry's piece Seated Figure, 2016 has had to be moved from its place on the North York Moors to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park because of damage to the land by so many visitors. The artist speaks to Front Row.

Presenter: John Wilson
Producer: Sarah Johnson

Published on Thursday, 25th July 2019.

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