Front Row - Screenwriter Amanda Coe, Bad films we love, Diana Evans

Screenwriter Amanda Coe, Bad films we love, Diana Evans

Download Screenwriter Amanda Coe, Bad films we love, Diana Evans

Amanda Coe, novelist and screenwriter of Filth: The Mary Whitehouse Story, Room at the Top and Apple Tree Yard talks about her latest television drama series, The Trial of Christine Keeler. It's the story of the Profumo Affair and John Wilson asks her what the 1963 scandal tells us about power and sex in today's society.

Novelist Diana Evans discusses Singular, her new short story specially commissioned for Radio 4 which explores the idea of whether happiness is necessarily dependent on companionship.

With all the checks and balances in Hollywood, how do rotten movies ever get made, what makes them so awful, and are some so bad they're good? Film critics Mark Eccleston and Amanny Mohamed discuss the appeal of the turkey.

Presenter John Wilson
Producer Jerome Weatherald

Published on Tuesday, 24th December 2019.

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