Front Row - Shirley Collins, Kit de Waal, Caine Prize for African Writing winner, Olivia de Havilland remembered

Shirley Collins, Kit de Waal, Caine Prize for African Writing winner, Olivia de Havilland remembered

Download Shirley Collins, Kit de Waal, Caine Prize for African Writing winner, Olivia de Havilland remembered

Nigerian British writer Irenosen Okojie has been announced as the winner of this year’s £10,000 Caine Prize for African Writing. It was awarded for her story Grace Jones from her recent collection Nudibranch. We speak to her about the story.

Kit de Waal discusses Supporting Cast, her new collection of short stories featuring characters from two of her earlier novels - the international bestseller My Name is Leon and The Trick to Time.

Shirley Collins is regarded by many as England’s greatest living traditional folk singer. She was a pivotal figure in the English folk song revival of the 60’s and ’70’s but lost her voice to a broken heart and fell silent for 38 years. In 2016, in her eighties, she returned to music with her album Lodestar, and now discusses her latest release - Heart’s Ease.

Star of Hollywood's Golden Age Olivia de Havilland has died aged 104. Cultural historian Matthew Sweet celebrates her indomitable spirit, as a person as well as a performer.

Presenter: Tom Sutcliffe
Producer: Hannah Robins

Published on Monday, 27th July 2020.

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