Front Row - Paulette Randall

Paulette Randall

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Paulette Randall MBE celebrates her 60th birthday this year. Her career highlights include her role as Associate Director of the unforgettable London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony and being playwright August Wilson's director of choice in this country. She has a rich and varied career on stage, screen and stadium taking in Shakespeare, sketch comedy and Silent Witness. She is in lively conversation with Tom Sutcliffe about her beginnings, going to drama college because of a £5 bet, winning a prize at the Royal Court for an early play, fallings out, her artistic values, and triumphs - in particular on that Olympic night, and in her productions of Wilson's plays including Fences with Lenny Henry in 2017.
Presenter: Tom Sutcliffe
Producer: Sarah Johnson
Studio Manager: Jackie Margerum

Main image: Dr Paulette Randall MBE

Published on Monday, 31st May 2021.

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