Front Row - Shakespeare North Playhouse, Tŷ Pawb in Wrexham, The Railway Children Return

Shakespeare North Playhouse, Tŷ Pawb in Wrexham, The Railway Children Return

Download Shakespeare North Playhouse, Tŷ Pawb in Wrexham, The Railway Children Return

In the late 16th century, the Merseyside town of Prescot had the only purpose-built, indoor theatre outside London. Now the Shakespeare North Playhouse, a £38 million architectural representation of a Shakespearean stage, opens there this weekend. Samira Ahmed is joined by Laura Collier, the theatre’s creative director and the writer and performer Ashleigh Nugent who have co-curated Open Up, the opening festival.

Front Row is hearing from the five museums nominated to be this year’s Museum of the Year and tonight it’s the turn of Tŷ Pawb in Wrexham. Reporter Adam Walton takes a tour of the museum and finds why the museum is at the heart of the local community.

Danny Brocklehurst is the Bafta-award winning writer behind Shameless, Clocking Off and Brassic. He joins Samira to discuss turning to more family friendly fare in The Railway Children Return. In his sequel, set 50 years after the classic 1970 film, Jenny Agutter’s Bobbie is a grandmother and former Suffragette, and the titular children are evacuees from Manchester.

Presenter: Samira Ahmed
Producer: Olivia Skinner

Image: Shakespeare North Playhouse, Prescot

Published on Wednesday, 13th July 2022.

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