Front Row - Elliot Page, Wicker Man music, Jewish Museum and Holocaust Memorial

Elliot Page, Wicker Man music, Jewish Museum and Holocaust Memorial

Download Elliot Page, Wicker Man music, Jewish Museum and Holocaust Memorial

Oscar-nominated Elliot Page, best known as star of comedy drama Juno, on coming out as gay and as a trans man, all in the glare of the Hollywood spotlight - and sharing this now in his new memoir, Pageboy.

Marking Jewish history. With proposals for a Holocaust Memorial in London, and the closure of the Jewish Museum building, historian Sir Simon Schama, and Aviva Dautch, poet and Executive Director at Jewish Renaissance, discuss what recent developments mean for Jewish culture.

The Wicker Man. As the cult horror film turns 50, Scottish folk musician Alasdair Roberts and ex-Pogues hurdy gurdy player Jem Finer celebrate with music, live in the Front Row studio.

Plus, writer on architecture Gillian Darley appreciates the work of the late Sir Michael Hopkins.

Presenter: Tom Sutcliffe
Producer: Harry Parker

This programme has been edited since broadcast

Published on Monday, 26th June 2023.

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