Front Row - Ridley Scott's Napoleon, Albert Hall tickets resales, Bob Mortimer's winning comedy fiction

Ridley Scott's Napoleon, Albert Hall tickets resales, Bob Mortimer's winning comedy fiction

Download Ridley Scott's Napoleon, Albert Hall tickets resales, Bob Mortimer's winning comedy fiction

Tom Sutcliffe talks to director Ridley Scott about his new film Napoleon - a subject that takes him back to an actor who’s played an emperor for him before – Joaquin Phoenix was Commodus in Gladiator – and back to the period in which his very first film. The Duellists was set.

A fifth of the seats at the Royal Albert Hall are owned by just over 300 people - who can choose to enjoy performances or sell the tickets on at a profit. We hear from Richard Lyttelton, a former President of the Royal Albert Hall who believes that making money out of the seats doesn't really align with the original vision of the venue.

A Gloucester Old Spot pig has been named The Satsuma Complex - in honour of comedian Bob Mortimer's first book, which has won this year's Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse prize for the best comic novel. He's joined by fellow comedian and member of the judging panel Pippa Evans to explore what makes fiction funny.

Published on Tuesday, 21st November 2023.

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