Front Row - Mean Girls and Hisham Matar’s My Friends reviewed

Mean Girls and Hisham Matar’s My Friends reviewed

Download Mean Girls and Hisham Matar’s My Friends reviewed

Mean Girls is 20 years old and has its cult following - but will fans love the new film of the hit Broadway musical of the same name? Critics Sarah Ditum and Ashley Hickson-Lovence give their verdict on the new version. They also discuss with Tom Sutcliffe the new novel by Hisham Matar - My Friends, which explores themes of friendship and exile, as well as including real-life events like the shooting of WPC Yvonne Fletcher outside the Libyan Embassy in 1984 and the killing of General Gadaafi in 2011.

And Mairi Campbell - who's about to start a new tour of her critically acclaimed Auld Lang Syne show - plays live in the studio.

Presenter: Tom Sutcliffe
Producer: Paul Waters

Published on Thursday, 11th January 2024.

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