The Film Programme - 24/11/2011


Download 24/11/2011

Conflict is this week's theme. It begins with the clash between Marilyn Monroe and Sir Laurence Olivier during the filming of The Prince and The Showgirl - a story which lies at the heart of Simon Curtis' My Week with Marilyn starring Kenneth Branagh and Michelle Williams; it continues with the friction caused when belief bumps into psychoanalytic dogma in Nanni Moretti's We Have a Pope; it encompasses the struggle between invading Nazis and Welsh farmers in Resistance - a counterfactual film made by Owen Sheers and Amit Gupta; and it concludes with Michael Shannon's fight with his personal demons in Take Shelter, Jeff Nichols' follow up to Shotgun Stories. Francine Stock lends an ear to all the factions and questions their assertions in this week's Film Programme.

Producer: Zahid Warley.

Published on Thursday, 24th November 2011.

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