New Year Solutions - Space


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As global warming threatens the future of our society, Jo Fidgen tackles the ways in which ordinary people can make a difference.

We're often told that we could help the environment by driving less, eating less meat, or using less water.

But in the face of a challenge as significant as global warming, how big a difference can small changes really make? And what would the world look like if we took those solutions to their logical extremes?

Too many of us are living in spaces that are too big, too cluttered and too inefficient. The alternative is to share more, to live more communally, and to free up space by getting rid of the things we don't need. And according to some, re-imagining our homes is not only essential for sustainability, but a step towards being happier too.

Producer: Robert Nicholson

A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4

Published on Friday, 4th January 2019.

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