If You Don't Know - Black environmentalists... where you at?

Black environmentalists... where you at?

Download Black environmentalists... where you at?

With a big environment summit happening in Egypt, De-Graft finds out why there are so few people from ethnic minorities working in the environment sector in the UK. He hears about a scheme set up to change this.

We’ve also got an update on the Metropolitan Police’s database of people it believes could be gang members – it’s called the Gangs Violence Matrix and is being overhauled. We hear from lawyer Lana Adamou again who took the police to court, arguing the system was discriminatory.

And black history doesn’t have to be limited to October, so author and academic Gretchen Gerzina drops in and teaches De-Graft about the first black Brits. Spoiler… they were here before the Windrush. Kayne Kawaski, a black history educator (who you might have seen on your timelines) also joins the conversation.

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Presenter: De-Graft Mensah
Producers: Kamilah McInnis and Amy Elizabeth
Researchers: Khadra Salad and Paige Neal-Holder
Sound: Kamilah McInnis and Dave O’Neill
Editor: Alison Gee

Published on Thursday, 17th November 2022.

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