Black Boxes - Here's One We Prepared Earlier

The noble art of home construction being lost and the next answer coming out of a cardboard box. Then I decided the audio from my AOR 7030 was too good to miss and it should be routed across the shack to the Quad II. Yes, it can stand "The Closest Approach to the Original Sound" - valves and all.

So I came to solder a 5-pin DIN plug. After trading in the soldering iron for a computer mouse three years ago, I found I couldn't do it. Thirty years of experience at the workbench lost in three...

So, my project is a Back-to-Basics Special. Get a yellow ferrite ring from that Rally Bargain Bag. Get a length of enamelled copper wire. Wind four turns on the ring and bring out the ends. Make a second winding of twelve or so turns. Connect the 12-turn winding to your long-wire and a very good earth.

Connect the 4-turns to the 50 ohm antenna input of your radio.

At a stroke, you will have a better match to your radio and full static protection. The AOR 7030 already has this and John Thorpe will have given it a lot more thought than I just did. Happy listening!