Shortwave Log For The 11 To 12MHz Band

Shortwave Listening Logbook - 11MHz Band
11175HFGCSHigh Frequency Global Communications System.
11232Canadian ForcesUsed to relay messages about aircraft status.
11234San Francisco ATCShared with other services, some interesting listening when conditions allow.
11253RAF VOLMETRoyal Air Force weather service from St. Eval, UK.
11276NAT JManaged by Shanwick Radio and local ATC.
11279NAT DBodo, Gander, Iceland, Shanwick and Arctic Radio.
11309NAT E0900-1900 UTC. New York and Santa Maria.
11336NAT CGander, Iceland and Shanwick.
11345Stockholm ATCH24. Medium/Long range.
11363NAT HManaged by Shanwick Radio and local ATC.
1160025m BroadcastingThis is the lower band edge, the upper being at 12230